School Policies
One good way to affect the scope of recruiting and degree of militarism in K-12 schools is to focus campaigns on school and school district policies. This can mean appealing for administrative controls at the local school site level, or seeking broader action by district superintendents and governing boards.
Another approach is to seek passage of local laws or ordinances that can regulate recruiting in schools and the rest of the community.
Here are some recommended links available to better inform you as an in dealing with school boards. This is a work in progress and NNOMY will be adding new documents as they are prepared and as policies change that effect enlistment. Check back periodically.
- Current Policies and Campaigns
- Changing School District Policies
- Changing Local Laws/ Ordinances
- Downloads
- Find a Group to help you
- High School District 214 Plans to Include JAMRS Opt-Out Form in Registration Packet
- A guide to working with School Boards
- Austin Equal Access Directive
- Boulder Valley School District Opt-Out Form
- Chicago Public Schools Recruiter Access Policy
- Dream Document for Public Schools re: Military Recruiting Procedures
- Los Angeles Unified Policy on Recruiter Access
- Minneapolis Policy on Recruiter Access
- Monterey District Policy on ASVAB
- NYC Dept of Ed Chancellor's Regulation
- Oakland Policy on Student Privacy and Equal Access
- Rochester City School District Recruiter Policy | Part 2
- San Diego Policy on Recruiting Approved 11-30-10
- San Francisco Recruiter Access Policy
- Seattle Equal Access policy
- Targeting youth: what everyone should know about military recruiting
Articles on the web:
- Adopt a School Board
- Changing Military Recruitment Policies in Schools: One Phone Call and Email at a Time
- Policy Guidance - Access to High School Students and Information on Students by Military Recruiters
- Should We End Military Recruiting in High Schools as a Matter of Child Protection and Public Health?
- Cessation of Military Recruiting in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
- Military Recruiters Enjoy Unprecedented Access To Students
Revised 05/28/2016